ID: 414207
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Olga A.

Yrs old
Yrs Experience

I like to work with children and I have big experience in this area I have a university degree in Physical Education from my native country (Moldova) and have a certificate in Personal Training from TAV College (Montreal)I worked like teacher of physical culture in my country. and I worked in daycare in Canada. I believe that my capabilities, educational background and experience could make me a good addition to your team. Mon stage de la formation practice est riche en apports de toutes sortes. Jן¿½ai une grande expן¿½rience de travail avec des enfants. Jן¿½ai travaillן¿½ comme une garde d'enfants et assistant de remise en forme (placement privן¿½) ן¿½ Westmount, QC et Garderie privן¿½e DDO Jן¿½ai travaillן¿½ au ן¿½ Centre Green ן¿½ oן¿½ mon but principal ן¿½tait lן¿½organisation du loisir et du sport pour des enfants. Aussi, Jן¿½ai travaillן¿½ comme un professeur ן¿½ lן¿½ן¿½cole dans mon pays Jן¿½ן¿½tais une bonne professionnelle. Jן¿½ai des ן¿½tudes universitaires de premier cycle complן¿½tן¿½es en ן¿½ducation physique et un Certificat dן¿½Intervenant en Mise En Forme Physique. Je suis un membre de lן¿½Association Quן¿½bן¿½coise des Professionnels en Loisirs (AQPL) Dans mon entourage je suis considן¿½re comme une personne dynamique, facile dן¿½approcher et fiable. Sur la base de ma formation spן¿½cialisן¿½e, de mon expן¿½rience et de mes qualitן¿½s professionnelles, je crois que je suis une candidate excellente.

2014-present As the Educator at Daycare “Island of childhood”, DDO, QC: • Provides exercises classes for children • Supervises children's play, ensuring their physical safety at all times • Maintains a safe, clean and appealing environment • Helps children with daily routines such as toileting, dressing, eating and sleeping • Organizes Christmas, St. Valentine’s, Easter, Halloween, Mothers' and Fathers' Days parties, as well as various thematic events and Birthday celebrations. • Regularly conducts recreational activities such as painting, crafts, and board games and quizzes. • Takes children outdoor. • Provides the reading of fairytales and stories before sleep time. • Performs housekeeping, cooking, preparation of meals, laundry. • Observes and record children's growth, behavior and development, and discuss these with parents Additional Experiences/Qualifications: CPR Is a member of the Quebec Association of Activity Professionals (QAAP)

2011-2012 AEC in Personal Training, TAV College, Montreal, QC 2009-2011 Certificat de français écrit pour non francophones. UQAM, Montréal, QC. 2008-2009 Pharmacist Assistant course. Centre 2000 de Formation Professionnelle. Montréal, QC. 1992-1993 Sports medicine specialist training, Center of Sport Medicine, Chisinau, Moldova. 1988-1992 Bachelor in Physical Education, National Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Chisinau, Moldova. 1978-1988 High School diploma, Chisinau, Moldova

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